Many do not even think about the presence of parasites in their body. In addition, people often do not even suspect that if they have health problems, the culprits of this condition are microorganisms that exist at the expense of the owner.
Meanwhile, worms cause various helminthiases (ascariasis, enterobiasis, echinococcosis, trichinosis, etc. ). In the absence of deworming, a person develops various complications.
So, in the case of non-treatment of helminthic invasion in childhood, a delay in mental and physical development may occur. And the organs affected by the worms contribute to the appearance of inflammation, which does not go away even after the parasites are eliminated.
But how to determine the presence of parasites in the body at home? What symptoms and diseases accompany the different types of helminthiasis?
What should you look for to identify worms in humans?

Roughness of the skin, appearance of spots, acne, baldness and premature wrinkles: all these manifestations can indicate the presence of parasitic microorganisms. Also, problems with the nails or the formation of cracks in the heels (damage to the digestive organs) can indicate helminthiasis, sometimes there may be a connection between psoriasis and lamblia.
Often the above symptoms are caused by lamblia or Trichomonas. However, any helminthic invasion adversely affects immunity.
This, in turn, leads to the appearance of such signs:
- sinusitis;
- angina pectoris;
- polyps
- inflammation of the sinuses;
- sudden onset of snoring.
To recognize parasites in men, you need to pay attention to the presence of adenoma, cystitis, impotence, prostatitis, stones and sand in the kidneys and bladder. Some worms affect the brain and affect the development of future offspring.
To find out which parasites women have, the following symptoms will help:
- fibroid
- painful sensations during menstruation;
- fibroma;
- interruptions in the menstrual cycle;
- disorders in the functioning of the bladder and kidneys;
- fibrocystic breast disease;
- Inflammation of the ovaries.
With appendicitis, it is worth thinking about the presence of pinworms, biliary dyskinesia, or pancreatitis that indicate opisthorchiasis.
Hookworm larvae that enter the lungs often cause false pneumonia. Also, the manifestations of some types of helminthiasis are similar to angina or bronchitis.
Also, the symptoms of parasites in the human body are:
- insomnia, constant malaise and anemia;
- weakening of immunity;
- avitaminosis;
- discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, dysbiosis;
- weight changes;
- allergic reactions;
- irritability and anxiety;
- skin problems.
Symptoms of the presence of parasites in the body.

To understand whether you or I have helminths, you need to pay attention to a number of signs that are quite diverse. Large worms generally contribute to constipation by blocking bile and intestinal passages, interfering with natural bowel movements.
A certain type of parasite secretes special substances that dilute the stool. Therefore, diarrhea is not always a symptom of a gastrointestinal disorder, it often indicates the presence of parasitic microorganisms in the human body.
In addition, the parasitic microorganism causes bloating and gas formation. This happens when helminths enter the small intestine, causing an inflammatory process there.
Irritable bowel syndrome is another sign of helminth infestation. So, worms contribute to poor absorption of fat, as a result of which it enters the large intestine, therefore, its largest amount is observed in the feces. This causes cramps, diarrhea, and constipation.
Some types of worms can exist in muscle and joint fluid. Therefore, its presence in these areas causes painful sensations similar to the symptoms of arthritis. In reality, this discomfort occurs due to inflammation, which is the immune response to the presence of worms.
Allergic manifestations are a characteristic feature of many types of helminthiasis. After all, the toxins secreted by worms elicit an immune response, which should produce a lot of eosinophils. But an overabundance of protective cells contributes to the onset of inflammation, resulting in allergies.
Worms often cause skin rashes, eczema, acne, and other problems. So, the simplest parasites lead to the formation of ulcers, papillomas and dermatitis.
Helminthic invasion is almost always accompanied by anemia. This is due to the fact that after entering the intestine, the worms adhere to its mucous membrane and suck nutrients from the host's body. In particular, Trichomonas, which feeds on blood cells, causes discomfort, as a result of which significant blood loss occurs.
People with helminthiasis often have weight problems. Therefore, excess body weight indicates that the worms poison the human body with toxins or consume glucose. And excessive thinness indicates disturbances in metabolic processes.

Due to the deterioration of well-being caused by the helminthic invasion, the patient becomes too irritable and emotionally unstable. After all, the waste products of worms poison their host, negatively affecting the nervous system, as a result of which the patient is in a depressed state.
Insomnia is a characteristic sign that parasites are active in the body. Therefore, if a person often wakes up at 2-3 o'clock in the morning, he should contact a parasitologist, because it is at this time that the liver is trying to eliminate all toxins. Also, pinworms or roundworms come out through the anus at night, causing itching and irritation.
In patients under the age of 15, the worms often grind their teeth during sleep. Thus, the nervous system reacts to toxins secreted by worms.
In addition, almost all helminthiases are associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, which is characterized by memory impairment, apathy, and the presence of flu-like symptoms. This indicates a deficiency of nutrients ingested by pathogenic microorganisms.
With prolonged helminth invasion, immune disorders occur in the patient's body. After all, the vital activity of worms greatly depletes the body's defenses, as a result of which allergic manifestations develop and favorable conditions are created for the penetration of the infection.
Even prolonged parasitism of harmful microorganisms causes damage to organs and tissues, against the background of this, oncological diseases develop. In this case, inflammatory foci are formed, and the body experiences a nutrient deficiency.
All this is complemented by dysfunctions in the functioning of the immune system. Thus, favorable conditions are formed for the appearance of various oncological diseases.
Certain types of worms are located in the human respiratory system and cause inflammation in its organs. As a result, the following symptoms arise:
- runny nose;
- temperature rise;
- cough;
- pneumonia;
- asthma.
How to detect helminthiasis through medical research?

In the presence of the above symptoms, to find out whether there are parasites in the body or not, you need to seek medical help. You may need to visit a parasitologist, an infectious disease specialist, a gastroenterologist, a surgeon, sometimes an otolaryngologist or an ophthalmologist, as it all depends on the location of the worms.
Diagnosis often consists of scraping and examining the stool for the presence of eggs. However, such analyzes allow you to check whether there are worms living in the intestinal tract or parasites migrating along it (tapeworms and flatworms, trematodes).
Due to the fact that the eggs do not always come out of the anus, the study should be carried out 2-3 times. Using these diagnostic methods, the following are detected:
- chance;
- whipworms;
- tapeworms;
- pinworms;
- schistosomes;
- roundworm
- trichinella;
- hookworms.
Many types of helminths (leishmania, lamblia, trypanosome, echinococcus, plasmodia, amoebas, toxoplasmas) can be localized in almost any tissue and organ, making stool analysis uninformative. In such a situation, the patient must perform a blood test for the presence of immunoenzymes, indicating the presence of antibodies and antigens.
To determine the parasite that lives in the host's liver, a probing and examination of the removed material is performed. If helminth waste products are found in the human liver, this indicates an infection.